Committees are the lifeblood of the Association. Following are the OHHA committees and their responsibilities. We sincerely thank all residents who have taken their time and talents to help our community. If you’d like to volunteer for a committee, please contact the committee chairperson. Names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of committee chairpersons can be found in the Homeowner Directory.
Standing Committee Members (Chairperson listed 1st):
Architectural Control: Carol Caulkins, John Sawyer, Tipton Cherico, Brice Brudney
Pool & Clubhouse: Vangie Martin, Stan Caulkins, Mike Martin, Jeanette Cafferty, Kathy McMillan, Ashley Lehman
Park & Grounds: Lori Adams
Community Liaison:
By-Laws, Handbook, CCR’s: HOA Board
Welcoming: Lori Adams, Jessica Sawyer
Social: Vangie Martin, Sue Stewart, Jeannette Cafferty, Bev Bond
Safety & Security: Carol Caulkins, John Sawyer, Stan Caulkins, Jared Lehmann, Ashley Lehmann
Website: Linda LaBrot, Allison Carroll
Finance and Audit: Linda LaBrot
Nominating: TBD
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: Oversees and approves new construction, as well as modifications to existing structures, ensuring that plans are in conformance with specifications contained in applicable Articles in appropriate Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
POOL & CLUBHOUSE: Monitors the pool area and clubhouse; advises BOD of needed repairs and improvements; publishes and keeps updated the rules for pool use; ensures that the membership is aware of and abides by those rules; monitors and maintains water quality. Monitors the physical condition of the clubhouse and advises BOD of any discrepancies. Recommends to BOD any needed or suggested improvements, repairs, or changes in equipment, furniture, decor, lighting, and use of the facility. Monitors cleanliness of the facility.
PARK & GROUNDS: Oversees performance by the contractor responsible for caring for the lawn and shrubbery in the common areas. Also performs actual grounds maintenance duties that fall outside the responsibility of the contractor. Oversees Yard of the Month award program.
COMMUNITY LIASON: Meet the neighborhood association; monitor the planning and zoning commission of the City of Kerrville and notify the Board of proposed actions by the City or by the Planning and Zoning commission of the City of Kerrville which affect Oak Hollow Estates; the Committee shall also generally coordinate activities and information dissemination between OHHA and the community surrounding OHHA.
BY-LAWS, HANDBOOK, & CCR’S: Monitor the by-laws, handbook and CCR’s and propose amendments to the by-laws, handbook, and CCR’s in order to make sure that the procedures set forth in the by-laws, handbook, and CCR’s are efficient and effective and propose amendments to the by-laws, handbook, and CCR’s so that the by-laws, handbook, and CCR’s conform with current practice if current practice is more efficient and effective.
WELCOMING: Visits new residents, welcoming them to the community and providing information and documents relevant to Oak Hollow Estates and the homeowners association. Keeps a log of and assigns numbered pool keys. Maintains website and Gmail directory.
SOCIAL: Plans, organizes and executes community social events.
SAFETY & SECURITY: Oversees, researches and addresses safety, health and security matters that fall under the purview of the homeowners association. Plans and organizes National Night Out.
WEB SITE: Maintains the Association Internet website, ensuring that all official Association documents are available, along with board member information, membership directory, operating statement, board meeting minutes, social events, etc., are accessible to our members.
FINANCE & AUDIT: Develops and annually updates the Association’s five-year plan, ensuring that long-range (new) projects, as well as forecasted replacement and/or upgrading of existing Common Facilities, are accurately identified and cost-estimated.Work closely with the Treasurer and the Board in preparing the annual budget and make recommendations thereto; monitor the fiscal statements for accuracy and completeness; advise the Board in fiscal matters and ensure that OHHA receives an independent audit annually; assist the Board in negotiating for insurance coverage as may be directed by OHHA; review the sufficiency of coverage annually and recommend changes in coverage as required.
NOMINATING: Ad hoc committee formed prior to the annual March homeowners meeting to solicit residents to run for upcoming director vacancies.